Regulated working hours, fair wages, legal security, avoidance of child labor and no discrimination on the basis of religion, race or origin are the basis of fair production and should also be the rule in the conventional sector. Unfortunately, this is still far from being the case globally, which is why it is all the more important,
use fair textiles in a targeted manner.
We offer you a large selection of high-quality and ecologically and socially fairly produced textiles from companies such as our premium partner Stanley/Stella, but also Continental Clothing and Neutral, which are certified many times over.
The seal of the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF)
The Fair Wear Foundation is a foundation that works worldwide to improve working conditions in the textile industry. Companies and brands that join the Fair Wear Foundation undertake to comply with eight basic guidelines and accept an annual inspection of the production facilities, which results in an audit report, the so-called Brand Performance Check. In addition to social criteria in the production facilities, the Fair Wear Foundation code regulates the entire supply chain and also takes into account environmental aspects and working conditions in the cotton fields, for example.
The certificate of the G.O.T.S. – Global Organic Textile Standard
The Global Organic Textile Standard, colloquially known as the “GOTS standard”, focuses primarily on the organic quality of the cotton used, single-variety processing and storage along the entire supply chain and the auxiliary materials and dyes used in textile production, but takes a comprehensive approach and also takes social criteria into account. All workers in the production process are subject to the standards of the ILO core labor standards, compliance with which is regularly monitored by GOTS.
The Fairtrade seal
The Fairtrade seal known for coffee, bananas and chocolate is also available for cotton and textiles. The standard has its origins in the cultivation of the cotton required for the production of textiles and specifically promotes small and medium-sized farms. In addition to long-term supply contracts and guaranteed purchase and minimum prices, a Fairtrade premium is paid, which flows into development projects and education. The Fairtrade label has now been revised and a new Fairtrade standard has been created that takes a comprehensive approach and safeguards the entire textile chain, including the manufacturing companies.
The BSCI certificate
The amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative [amfori BSCI)] is a program of the business-oriented association amfori to improve social standards in a global value chain. The organization offers commercial enterprises the adoption of or adherence to a code of conduct as well as a systematic monitoring and qualification system.
This Code is based on international treaties for the protection of workers’ rights and covers the following eleven key elements: Management practices, no questionable employment, working hours, remuneration, child labour, forced labour (including prison labour and coercive measures), freedom of association (including freedom of organization and collective bargaining), discrimination (gender, race, religion), working conditions, health and welfare facilities, occupational health and safety (OHS), aspects of environmental protection and special protection for young employees
By signing the BSCI Code of Conduct, companies undertake to recognize the social criteria on which this Code of Conduct is based within their sphere of influence and to take appropriate measures to implement and comply with them as part of their corporate policy.
Often, a working environment that is safe for workers and not harmful to their health, as well as the avoidance of critical chemicals and unhealthy substances, is also of great benefit to the environment. Nevertheless, the use of sustainable and ecological fabrics and the strictly regulated use of non-toxic dyes and additives that go far beyond the legal requirements can bring further improvements for nature and the quality of drinking water in the vicinity of cotton fields and textile factories.
The eco-balance of organic cotton is significantly better than that of conventional cotton. No synthetic pesticides or artificial fertilizers are used in the cultivation of organic cotton. This renunciation also creates a thicker layer of humus, which stores water much better than is the case on a conventionally cultivated cotton field.
If organic cotton is grown and processed according to the strict criteria of GOTS, there are further advantages due to the extensive list of banned substances that are critical but still permitted by law. Not only the environment and the people involved in the production process of the garments benefit, but also consumers, especially allergy sufferers and children, as they do not come into contact with toxic heavy metals and other chemicals such as formaldehyde or aromatic solvents.