Create a return label?

We offer you a convenient and easy way to return the goods.
You can easily create a returns label in our returns portal .

Revocation form

If you wish to withdraw from the contract, please complete this form and return it to us:

UNICUM Merchandising GmbH
Fritz-Reuter-Strasse 70
44867 Bochum
Tel: +49 (0) 234/60 14 17 – 60
E-mail: [email protected]

I hereby revoke the contract concluded by me for the purchase of the following goods:

Article description:

Ordered on(*)/received on(*):

Order number:

Name of the consumer(s):

Address of the consumer(s):


Signature of the consumer(s):




(*) Delete as appropriate


You can also download the withdrawal form as a PDF here. To open the file you need Acrobat Reader. You can download it here free of charge.